
🚀 Setting up the RaspberrPi Environment for Chilibot 🌶️


This README guides you through setting up the Chilibot environment on a Raspberry Pi running Ubuntu. Ensure you're using Ubuntu and not Debian for compatibility.

SSH into Your Raspberry Pi

First, securely log into your Raspberry Pi using SSH:

ssh [your_username]@[your_raspberrypi_ip_address]

Clone the Repository

Clone the Chilibot repository from GitHub:

git clone https://github.com/GijsSi/Chilibot.git

CAN Connection

Setup and configure CAN connection on your Raspberry Pi.

🛠️ Installing CAN Bus with MCP2515

1. Edit Config File

Open the config file using nano editor:

sudo nano /boot/firmware/config.txt

2. Add Lines to Config

Add the following lines to the config.txt. Note: CAN bus interrupt is connected to pin 12.


3. Enable SPI

Ensure the SPI line is uncommented in the config.txt file:

# Correct 👍
# Incorrect 👎
# dtparam=spi=on

🔍 Locating the CAN Interface on RaspberryPi

To find the CAN interface, use:

ip link show

📶 Activating CAN Bus Adapter

To bring the CAN bus adapter to UP state:

sudo ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 500000

Auto-Start CAN Bus

The CAN bus should start automatically using the script in:


Systemd Service Configuration

Create a systemd service to handle the CAN interface setup:

Description=Setup CAN Interface
ExecStart=/sbin/ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 500000